Wednesday, 3 February 2010

I asked Men, Women and Young Boys and Girls if they felt Pressure to look good. Here's what they said...

Hannah found a website which is quite interesting. Its called MYA (make Yourself Amazing) so basically if you haven't had any of the required surgery then you are not amazing!
which is not a nice statement too be making and statements like this is what is affecting people today.

Here is the link to the website!

The Definition of my stand name RealBeauty

Beauty is displayed in its own unique way! It is portrayed to people in all different ways. The real Beauty is within so basically do not hide behind a mask. You shouldn't be afraid to be you.
Just by being you, you get to show the real beauty within than an actual person in a magazine.
Your real inner beauty is what matters.
Beauty in a magazine does not compare to the beauty everybody has within and out.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010